African Americana offers a range of African-American Cultural History that includes vintage African-American Collectibles and Black Memorabilia, celebrating the achievements of black actors, black artists, black musicians, black athletes, black politicians, and other members of this country’s African-American Community.
Collecting Vintage Black Memorabilia or African-Americana Collectibles?
Who Doesn’t Collect
Many people don’t want “Mammy” items in their home because of the negativity they represent. The same thing goes for advertising memorabilia or any other type of collectible shedding a less-than-favorable light on black history.
Who Does Collect
Others have a completely opposite reaction. They want to own all types of Black Americana because those items reflect their cultural heritage. A collection reflecting both difficulties and triumphs embrace important aspects of lineage and interest in our nation’s and, particularly, African Americans’ history. It’s reported that Oprah Winfrey is among the celebrity collectors interested in black memorabilia.
The Act of Collecting
Choosing items produced by black artists, or featuring musical or literary talents, actors, and sports figures in a positive light, can serve to balance a collection while entertaining and educating the owner. There are many items you can choose to collect that offer inspiration and help to banish negativity.
–– From “The Spruce Crafts”

WalterFilm’s African American Collectibles
WalterFilm’s focus is on vintage African Americana, particularly high-valued items identified with black celebrities such as vintage original photographs of movie stars, musicians, athletes, politicians, and authors, as well as vintage original posters, lobby cards, film scripts, newspaper articles, rare books and advertising or marketing collectibles. Here are a few examples of WalterFilm’s offerings:

African American Films

African American Musicians

African American Broadway Plays & Musicials
Curating A Collection
As experienced and knowledgeable Curators, we take great pride and pleasure in helping our clients discover the extraordinary range of material that exists in building a collection, which may include something they find beautiful, engaging or relates to African American experience. This is regardless of whether they are purchasing a single object or developing a fabulous collection.
We would be happy to do the same for you. So, don’t hesitate to Contact Us if we can be of any assistance.