Celebrity Photographs

A Big Star and A Small World
| Woolsey Ackerman | Celebrity Photographs, Film & Movie Star Photographs, Hollywood History, Movie Memorabilia, Star Power
Brought to you by Walt Disney and Joan Crawford
Walter Film’s Holiday Blog offers the heartwarming tale of how one of the most inclusive and friendly places, Walt Disney World, continues to delight both young and old, year after year, by sharing Walt Disney’s singular vision, “To make peo…

Oversized Portraits Of Pre-Code Hollywood Stars
| Bolen High | Celebrity Photographs, Famous Hollywood Portrait Photographers, Featured, Film & Movie Star Photographs, Hollywood History, Movie Memorabilia, Vintage Original Publicity Photographs, Vintage Original Studio Photographs
Walter Film recently acquired a remarkable collection of studio portraits of some of the major stars of Pre-Code Hollywood. These oversized black-and-white double weight glossy silver gelatin portraits of the following:

LGBTQ Lesbian Archive (1901-2004)
| Bolen High | Celebrity Photographs, Famous Hollywood Portrait Photographers, Film & Movie Star Photographs, Film Scripts, Hollywood History, Movie Posters, Pressbooks, Scene Stills, Vintage Original Movie Scripts & Books, Vintage Original Publicity Photographs, Vintage Original Studio Photographs
As the photograph of Katharine Hepburn above signifies, this is a collection of lesbian and bisexual women in film, theater and music. It spans a full century, starting with Maud Adams in 1901 and working its way up through a Chantal Akerman film of 2004.

| Bolen High | Celebrity Photographs, Famous Hollywood Portrait Photographers, Film & Movie Star Photographs, Hollywood History, Movie Memorabilia
Catalog 53 Features > A number of scarce movie scripts, among them THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD (1964), THE WILD BUNCh (1968), THELMA AND LOUISE (1990), and THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION (1992). > An entire section devoted to the career of preeminent queer filmmaker Kenneth Anger, includin…

Walter Film Catalog 52/2023
Catalog 52 presented a collection of material represented by these six categories: FEATURED SELECTIONS, AFRICAN AMERICANA, LGBTQ, FILM NOIR, DIRECTORS and PHOTOGRAPHY. Here are five samples:
Jim Sharman and Richard O’Brien’s July 18, 1974 film script for the THE ROCK HORROR PICTURE SHOW…
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