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Movie Memorabilia

WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH March is Women’s History Month with the theme for 2025 being “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations.”  It celebrates the collective strength and influence of women who have inspired generations and recognizes…
Brought to you by Walt Disney and Joan Crawford  Walter Film’s Holiday Blog offers the heartwarming tale of how one of the most inclusive and friendly places, Walt Disney World, continues to delight both young and old, year after year, by sharing Walt Disney’s singular vision, “To make peo…
One of WalterFilm’s website “Collections” is titled “Hollywood Movie Memorabilia.”  And while the term Memorabilia has a simple definition, “objects treasured for their memories or historical interest”, it doesn’t quite define or describe what Walter’s Hollywood Movie Memorabilia offers.
Walter Film recently acquired a remarkable collection of studio portraits of some of the major stars of Pre-Code Hollywood.  These oversized black-and-white double weight glossy silver gelatin portraits of the following:
Catalog 53 Features > A number of scarce movie scripts, among them THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD (1964), THE WILD BUNCh (1968), THELMA AND LOUISE (1990), and THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION (1992). > An entire section devoted to the career of preeminent queer filmmaker Kenneth Anger, includin…
Motion picture studios left no stone unturned in their quest to market their movies. Therefore, movie merchandising, which reached its apex with films like STAR WARS, started with the dawn of film. Just like female stars, male stars were presented in doll form during the height of their popul…
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