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Vintage Original Publicity Photographs

THE ABOVE PHOTOGRAPH – Vintage original 27 x 38″ (70 x 98 cm.) poster, Sweden. Lon Chaney, Loretta Young, Nils Asther, Gwen Lee, dir: Herbert Brenon, MGM. In the role of the circus clown who could not laugh, known as Pagliacci, Lon Chaney, in perhaps his finest film performance, ran…
In recognition of Gay Pride and as an observation of the state of “drag“ in America, the above photograph of Julian Eltinge and Mary PIckford appeared in the Washington Post on June 24, 2023, along with a profile by Randy Dotinga entitled “A century ago, this star ‘female impersonator’ m…
Andy Warhol born Andrew Warhola Jr.; August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987) was a seminal American visual artist, film director and producer, and a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, adve…
Stepin Fetchit, an American vaudevillian and comedian is considered to be the first black actor to have a successful film career that made him a millionaire.
October 2022, I am pleased to announce the launch of Waler Reuben’s 50th Catalog. As usual, it contains a wide variety of material. Here are the listed categories and an example of their contents:
The above image is a 1950 Vintage original 12 x 16” (30 x 40 cm.) Columbia Picture’s Campaign Book, 16 pp. In A Lonely Place, Is classic film noir, now on the National Film Registry, about a screenwriter asked to adapt a trashy bestseller. 
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