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Bolen High

WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH March is Women’s History Month with the theme for 2025 being “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations.”  It celebrates the collective strength and influence of women who have inspired generations and recognizes…
African-American Writers Walter Film established a designated section in it’s comprenehsive collection that includes black artists, film makers and writers, such as the likes of Lorraine Hansbury, Maya Angelou and Scott Joplin, all represented here. Blaxploitation After the cultural misre…
BLACK HISTORY MONTH In celebration of Black History Month, WalterFilm is pleased to provide this profile on the seminal contribution African Americans made in the birth and evolution of Jazz.
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One of WalterFilm’s website “Collections” is titled “Hollywood Movie Memorabilia.”  And while the term Memorabilia has a simple definition, “objects treasured for their memories or historical interest”, it doesn’t quite define or describe what Walter’s Hollywood Movie Memorabilia offers.
Walter Film recently acquired a remarkable collection of studio portraits of some of the major stars of Pre-Code Hollywood.  These oversized black-and-white double weight glossy silver gelatin portraits of the following:
June is LGBTQ Pride Month, and in this blog, we’re looking at how it’s place in society has evolved since it burst into being on the evening of June 28, 1969, resulting from a police raid on a dingy bar on Sheridan Square in New York’s Greenwich Village.
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