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GLEN OR GLENDA [YO CAMBIÉ MI SEXO] (1961) Argentinian-release poster


[Buenos Aires, 1961] Vintage original 42 x 28″ (107 x 71 cm.) poster, Argentina. Folded (as issued), JUST ABOUT FINE.

Ed Wood’s GLEN OR GLENDA (1953) is the first American feature film about transgendered people. This poster, from the film’s first release in Argentina (or, in fact, anywhere in the Spanish-speaking world) uses a Spanish translation of the film’s alternate title, I CHANGED MY SEX [YO CAMBIÉ MI SEXO]. There is an inset photo at bottom with two facing images of writer/director/star Ed Wood: the one on the left with him in a man’s business suit, the one on the right with him in drag.

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