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LA PATTUGLIA DELL’AMBA ALAGI (1953) Italian due foglio poster by Anselmo Ballester


Vintage original 39 x 54″ (100 x 138 cm.) due folio / 2-fogli poster, Italy. Milly Vitale, Dante Maggio, Aldo Silvani, Luciana Tajoli, Nino Pavese, dir: Flavio Calzavara; Diva Films. On linen, near fine.

Spectacular poster with striking image of Milly Vitale and a montage of the story’s action.

The story concerned World War II veteran Luciano (Luciano Tajoli), who leaves prison camp and visits the families of his fallen comrades as he travels throughout Sicily, Tuscany and Milan. Luciano, a musician, sings several popular songs. One friend who did survive has fallen in with gangsters and Luciano helps to bring him back to his wife.

These are the story elements which the superb Italian poster artist Anselmo Ballester has brought to the imagery of this spectacular piece. The title, which translates as The Patrol of Amba-Alagi, refers to an area of northern Ethiopia.


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