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WHAT PRICE HOLLYWOOD? (1932) Window card poster


Vintage original 22 x 14″ (55 x 35 cm.) window card poster, USA. Constance Bennett, Lowell Sherman, Neil Hamilton, Gregory Ratoff, Louise Beavers, dir: George Cukor, RKO. The famous predecessor to the A STAR IS BORN legend, re-made three times and here directed by George Cukor, who would make the 1954 version with Judy Garland.
In this version, a popular film director whose career is in decline discovers a bright young woman whose career ascends. One thing this version had going for it was the lack of the Production Code, so Bennett was allowed to be saucier than the more wistful Gaynor and Garland characters (in this version named Mary Evans). Lowell Sherman, an actor/director, played a character modeled on himself (he was a known alcoholic), John Barrymore and silent director Marshall Neilan.
Super 1930s Deco art depiction of Hollywood movie making encircles the Bennett and Sherman characters. Poster is in un-restored original condition. There a numerous nail and pinholes overall including at the top and on the imagery including Bennett’s head and hair. Minor waviness. A really outstanding depiction of early Hollywood. VERY GOOD-FINE.

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