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Original Movie Stills For Sale

Created to feed the Hollywood studio publicity machine, Hollywood and movie star photos have become the visual record of the history of motion pictures and the era of the great motion picture studios. As a result of the increasing interest in its history and the people who made the movies, the imag…
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Once Upon a Time at MGM Vintage Original Hollywood Movie Memorabilia, as an investment-worthy collectibles category, came of age in 1970 when MGM sold the contents of seven sound stages to auctioneer David Weisz for the ridiculous sum of $1.5 million. Included in the lot were over 350,000 costumes…
Vintage Original Horror and Science Fiction Posters have proven to be among the most popular and appreciated collectibles in all of vintage movie memorabilia.  Today, with original vintage movie posters proving to be both scarce and expensive, collectors are turning to vintage original film photogr…
The video, Collecting Movie Photographs, is just one of the videos Walterfilm has produced that deal with the history of film and motion picture ephemera and is an important part of its Curatorship Program.