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Original Vintage Lobby Cards

|’s third catalog (#44/2019) contains 84 pages that include vintage original photographs, posters, programs, pressbooks, lobby cards and film scripts. The categories encompassed are: Warhol, LGBTQ, Movie Musicals, African Americana, Pre-Code Hollywood, Literature, Film Directors and Wo…
As an addition to our website, we are delighted to announce that Walter Reuben Inc. has expanded its marketing profile to include a portfolio of catalogs that will consist of exceptional items, as exampled above. This first catalog in this series (#42/2018) is 126 pages and encompass…
These two vintage original lobby cards from THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI (1920), show the extraordinary detail and design that went into the visual creation of what is considered the quintessential work of German Expressionist cinema. As described by the film critic, Roger Ebert, in his review:
Created to feed the Hollywood studio publicity machine, Hollywood and movie star photos have become the visual record of the history of motion pictures and the era of the great motion picture studios. As a result of the increasing interest in its history and the people who made the movies, the imag…
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View & Purchase WalterFilm Lobby Cards What Are Lobby Cards? The uniquely American Movie Lobby Card was one of the first means of marketing early motion pictures. Around 1913 lobby cards came into being as small nickelodeons, where the first movies were shown, began to grow into what eventually…